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  • Chrome 29.0
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One way to create a subsub-menu structure is ‘all in one place’. This file specifies the menu for all items below the section Centralized


The subsub items of this sub-item do not need a menuSubs entry in their YAML frontmatter.


The URL of the target must be specified


The relevant YAML frontmatter for this page is:

layout: page
menuInclude: yes
menuTopTitle: Menus
- title: Centralized
  index: 3
  - title: Centralized - item 1
    url: /pages/menus/subsubmenu3-1.html
  - title: Centralized - item 2
    url: /pages/menus/subsubmenu3-2.html

Browser information:

This website uses CSS3 & HTML5. It is recommended to use a modern browser with at least the following version number:

  • Chrome 29.0
  • Edge 12.0
  • Explorer 11.0
  • Firefox 28.0
  • Safari 9.0
  • Opera 17.0

Problems? please contact me.