Browser information:

This website uses CSS3 & HTML5. It is recommended to use a modern browser with at least the following version number:

  • Chrome 29.0
  • Edge 12.0
  • Explorer 11.0
  • Firefox 28.0
  • Safari 9.0
  • Opera 17.0

Problems? please contact me.

Issue 20 fixed

Issue: Sub menu links and sub-sub menu links lost the ability to link to external sites. more...

Issue 19 fixed

Issue: Firefox will not display the icon in the banner or menubar. Other browsers seem to work fine. more...

Release 2.3.0

This release adds the ability to delay the publication of a page until a specified date. more...

Release 2.2.0

This release fixes some bugs and improves usability. more...

Youtube player shows over top-fixed banner

5shekel discovered a problem with the youtube-player widget. Unfortunately it does not seem possible to solve this issue in HTML/CSS. A Javascript solution might be possible but that investigation is currently not scheduled. more...

Horizontal scrollbar for code sections

Added the following code to _custom.scss to add a horizontal scrollbar (issue #14) to the code sections: more...

Bugfix release v2.1.0 & 2.1.1

This release fixes issues #11 and #13 more...

Welcome to Classic-Jekyll-Theme v2.0.0

Just over a year has gone by since the first Classic release. Since then lots of detail has been added and bugfixes have been made. more...

Browser information:

This website uses CSS3 & HTML5. It is recommended to use a modern browser with at least the following version number:

  • Chrome 29.0
  • Edge 12.0
  • Explorer 11.0
  • Firefox 28.0
  • Safari 9.0
  • Opera 17.0

Problems? please contact me.