Browser information:

This website uses CSS3 & HTML5. It is recommended to use a modern browser with at least the following version number:

  • Chrome 29.0
  • Edge 12.0
  • Explorer 11.0
  • Firefox 28.0
  • Safari 9.0
  • Opera 17.0

Problems? please contact me.

This page overrides the secondary and tertiary column settings by placing the secondary on the right and the tertiary column on the left.

The relevant YAML frontmatter for this page is:

layout: page
title: Right secondary left tertiary column
menuInclude: yes
menuTopTitle: Layout
- title: Right secondary, left tertiary
  index: 6
secondary-column: right
tertiary-column: present

Browser information:

This website uses CSS3 & HTML5. It is recommended to use a modern browser with at least the following version number:

  • Chrome 29.0
  • Edge 12.0
  • Explorer 11.0
  • Firefox 28.0
  • Safari 9.0
  • Opera 17.0

Problems? please contact me.