Browser information:

This website uses CSS3 & HTML5. It is recommended to use a modern browser with at least the following version number:

  • Chrome 29.0
  • Edge 12.0
  • Explorer 11.0
  • Firefox 28.0
  • Safari 9.0
  • Opera 17.0

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Category pages

Category pages can be created with a little assistance of the web designer. To kick of the creation of a category page, create a page with the layout set to category-page. Also add a title that is set to the name of the category for which the page is created.

An example can be seen in the pages/categories/ file:

layout: category-page
title: classic

All other content in a category generation file is ignored.

Category Menu Item

To enable the creation of a category menu item set the parameter to yes. This will create a drop-down menu entry with the names of the categories for which pages were generated.

PS: The name of the categories menu item can be configured in

Category widget

As an alternative to the menu a widget is available that can be included somewhere to have access to the category pages.

Widget or Menu

Using the categories menu is not possible when the drop-down menus are disabled (by setting to no). In that case the widget is the only way to access the categories pages.

Browser information:

This website uses CSS3 & HTML5. It is recommended to use a modern browser with at least the following version number:

  • Chrome 29.0
  • Edge 12.0
  • Explorer 11.0
  • Firefox 28.0
  • Safari 9.0
  • Opera 17.0

Problems? please contact me.